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Shadowscapes Tarot


THE WATER SWIRLS around the two of them. The wavetops have been kissed by the sun, and the waters are warm and inviting. They drift in that fluid embrace, buoyed by a lightness that flares in their hearts. Like twin mini-suns, caught in each others gravity, they orbit around each other. The world outside ceases to exist with this attainment of heart’s desire -they want for nothing. They need no others to make this moment complete, but there is a union nevertheless between the two of them and all the surrounding living creatures.

The school of fish sends a maelstrom of bubbles to froth in a dizzy swirl around their entangled limbs. Then joy radiates outward in a luminous shelter of protection. Fish are symbols of plenty and prosperity. They slice through the azure depths, and their scales sparkle like glimmers of living gold. This moment of bliss, of seemingly eternal and final contentment, is real, but it must be nurtured and nourished, else it can easily slip back away into the depths of the ocean, like a scattered school of fish.

The Ten of Cups is the final attainment of serenity and peace. Success and happiness have been granted at last - an all-encompassing emotional contentment, not just a physical or material pleasure. Family support and bonds are important to being able to enjoy the blessings of life.